Team Gallery

Follow these directions if you want to request a purchase be made for the team or if you wish to purchase something for the team and be reimbursed for the purchase. All purchases must be approved by the Leadership Council or their designates. Your purchase request will be denied if the purchasing team does not think the purchase has been approved.
Requesting a Purchase
If you want the purchasing team to make the purchase, enter the needed items into the Purchase List Form. Here are some more details about the form
For the Needed By field: if you need a part by a certain date but not ASAP, please indicate the date in the Comments field.
If you need a part ASAP, email the account to insure that it gets ordered.
Submit the form once for each part that you want ordered.
If you are purchasing a part on your own instead of going through the 971 Purchasing Team, follow these steps:
Get approval by email from Wyn, Travis or Austin.
Enter items into the Purchase List Form so that it can be tracked. Use the "I will order it" response for the "Needed by" question.
Send an email to the account indicating that you have made a purchase. Include your name, date purchased, vendor, cost, and a short description. This will be used for order tracking.
If relevant, forward all emails related to this purchase to
Receipts in the form of pdf's are stored on the team google drive for current year receipts with the naming convention [order #][Name to be reimbursed - VISA for team card][vendor].pdf. The folder can be found in the main directory Spartan Robotics FRC 971>Purchasing>2022-2023>Receipts.
Reimbursements for pre-appoved purchases can be made by filling out the reimbursement form.
Receiving a Package
Steps to take when opening up a shipment that arrived:
Enter your name and date in the Order Tracking log's Received By & Date column.
Enter your name and date in the Purchase List spreadsheet's Check/Received By & Date column (see link below).
If the wrong number was received, add a specific note in the Comments field on the Purchase List spreadsheet and email If more are needed, initiate another part order in the purchase list using the Purchase List Form.
Purchase List
The Purchase logs show what was ordered for each year. You can look through them to find out what parts we have ordered in the past. You have to be a member of the FRCTeam971group and logged into your Gmail account to view them. Please do not modify them unless you are on the purchasing team or part of the team Leadership Council.
2023 season Purchase List spreadsheet
2022 season Purchase List spreadsheet
2021 season Purchase List spreadsheet
2020 season Purchase List spreadsheet
2019 season Purchase List spreadsheet
2018 season Purchase List spreadsheet
2017 season Purchase List spreadsheet
2016 season Purchase List spreadsheet
2015 season Purchase List spreadsheet
2014 season Purchase List spreadsheet
2013 season Purchase List spreadsheet
2012 season Purchase List spreadsheet
2011 season Purchase List spreadsheet